
CLIMB Shadow ExCo
The award-winning programme to develop future leaders and engage talent

What is CLIMB Shadow ExCo?

CLIMB Shadow ExCo is an immersive and interactive programme to develop future leaders and engage talent to deeply understand how leadership should look within an organisation.


The programme helps organisations develop clearly defined career paths and succession plans, driving motivation and performance. Participants are mentored, coached and engage in group sessions, including senior manager presentations. Importantly, they are required to lead challenging real-life projects and have the opportunity to build valuable networks.

CLIMB Shadow ExCo is proven to be effective in future-proofing teams and driving up standards, both within the participating cohort and wider teams within the organisation.

Who is the programme aimed at? 

The CLIMB Shadow ExCo is specifically aimed at developing future leaders within an organisation. However, the project element requires them to find and deliver a solution to an identified business or organisational problem, bringing benefits for the entire organisation.

The Approach

The programme is delivered with an experiential and phenomenological psychological approach. Participants engage with key issues and challenges that business leaders encounter and develop critical leadership behaviours aligned to organisational objective.

The meaning of leadership is explored throughout. This includes how leaders influence and shape culture; how they impact on engagement, performance and the potential of others.


The programme (for each cohort of 10) is scheduled over six to 12 months and comprises:

  • Initial individual review, Strengthscope profiling and one to one coaching sessions to fully understand each of the cohort’s perspectives and personal/business objectives for the programme
  • An introductory session to connect the group and work through what leadership means
  • A series of Development Modules as outlined below
  • Strategic projects planned and executed
  • Action learning sets to provide an ongoing opportunity to learn from good practice, develop new ideas and

Development Modules

The CLIMB Shadow ExCo is built around three modules; Purpose, Mastery and Autonomy with a senior leader guest speaker invited to share their experiences at a workshop devoted to each topic.

  • Motivation
  • Leadership
  • Personal leadership styles
  • Trust
  • Status
  • Authority
  • Collaboration
  • Commercial awareness
  • Strategic thinking
  • Decision making
  • Challenge
  • Assertiveness
  • Presence
  • Developing others
  • Mentoring
  • Autonomy
  • Support
  • Agility and pace
  • Stakeholder management
  • Innovation
  • Inspiring others

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