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Whilst competition within a business can be healthy, it can also be the source—or symptom—of a deeper conflict within teams.

There is no doubt that technology-driven changes to working practices can cut business operational costs, increase efficiency and deliver incredible benefits to customers. However, this can come at the cost of employment as automation replaces jobs, and the loss of intangible human skills and knowledge built up by employees over many years of experience.

Whilst competition within a business can be healthy, it can also be the source—or symptom—of a deeper conflict within teams.

One of the key themes that emerged from our recent interview with MatchFit consultant Alison Phelan was how much divergence of opinion there could be within a team during the initial research and analysis phase of a MatchFit programme. Whether it’s thoughts on the culture; day-to-day experiences; or leadership, there are often wide-ranging opinions.

The professional development of employees can be a sizeable financial commitment for organisations, and it is all too easy for budgets to be spent on short-term benefits that quickly fade away. Core to our MatchFit values, we work in partnership with our clients to facilitate the development process that drives real change, and empowers participants to embed this change in organisational culture.

The MatchFit team have been expanding rapidly over the last year, and have been fortunate to welcome a number of highly experienced consultants with diverse range of skills and credentials on board.

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